Why Empathy

A new Greek Biometric ID card

a new Greek Biometric ID card

I know I am harping about empathy, but honestly without a personal relation to the service or design. You tend to loose focus. I have moved in the UK in 2007, actually on the April’s fools day 2007, it has always surprised me that people did not have an Identity card. In Greece where I’m from we all have IDs you are issued one from your local police station at the age of 14. You can use it to prove who are if needed and for all other legal activities. It has a unique identifying number and that’s it. You change it only if you change your name, usually if you get married or if your picture become unrecognisable.


As soon as I joined the Department for Education, back in 2017 I was the interaction designer for the DfE Single Sign on project, where we created the web app used to inform, guide and allow 900k teachers, teaching assistants and other critical staff to login and access DfE services. At that time the maturity of the Digital division in DfE was low and we used Axure RP, but the issues, pain points and solutions created where invariable similar to the Digital identity.

A Stage in the Single Sign-on project in the DfE

DfE Single SignOn Users


There’s a huge personal connection with the Service and providing with my own life experiences, I might be ethnically Greek. But, I can relate with the goal at a very deep level. Moreover, I feel my experience with single sign roll out, can help other people find solutions that their experiences could not bring to the front.
