Creating Start Page

A Response to User Feedback

User feedback is a design’s true north, guiding improvements. In the case of Prototype Version 1.0, users expressed concerns about the clarity of certain questions, indicating a need for additional contextual information, often referred to as Hint Text. This was particularly important because users had genuine concerns about the accuracy of the data they provided.

Providing Clarity through Context

In response to these insightful user comments, we embarked on a journey of refinement. Our mission? To make sure users had the context they needed to navigate the system with confidence. In order to meet the user needs and policy intent.

The primary change was to the opening screen. Here, the team provided a broader contextual explanation of why users were being asked to enter supplier information, what type of information was needed, and how this information would be used. Importantly, this included highlighting the benefits to users and their organisations. Additionally, all screens where additional context seemed necessary were refined. These refinements were based on both user-expressed concerns and observations of areas where users tended to spend more time than on other screens.

Before the Enhancement

Before Enhancement

The initial screen lacked any context or introductory text, which resulted in confusion among users.

After the Enhancement

After Enhancement

Post-enhancement, the initial screen featured considerably more context and other useful introductory text, providing users with a clearer understanding of the purpose and importance of the information they were providing. Along with advise on what they can use this service for.

A User-Centred Approach

Every service needs a start page that give the user just enough information to help them understand what the service does and whether it will meet their need . The newly created ‘start page’ stands as a testament to the power of user feedback in shaping design. It underscores the team’s dedication to improving user experiences and ensuring that users are equipped with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Next steps

As we progress in our design journey, we are inviting users within and without groups, to provide feedback on our start page and iterate as needed.
