Building on a model

The business analysis model

As this is a live service entering a new phase, new features and different journeys are being developed by the business and our BA has provided a model, in a schematics model. This includes all the relevant branching and allows for the creation of accurate realistic prototyping. Which in turn enhances the usability testing by providing a prototype so close to the service.

Every sub-journey has a model of each own:

  • Pre-task list
  • Trader details
  • Guarantee
  • House consignments
  • Routes
  • Transport

All sub-journeys have or are under the process of having a complete model.


  • The simplest of all the models, is the Pre-task list.

A model

  • The second of all the models in simplicity, is the Guarantee journey.

A model

  • The second of all the models in length, is the Trader details.

A model

  • The model with the most complexity out of all the models, is the Routes details.

A model

  • And finally the longest of all the models is House Consignments.

A model
