Tracking conditions individually

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Providers track and update the status of conditions using spreadsheets because we don’t allow for this in the UI. But spreadsheets are laborious and onerous.

If we let providers update the status of conditions individually
Then they’ll be able to process applications more quickly and accurately

An alternative route we ruled out

We explored the following design:

Screenshot of ‘Has Eloise Wells met condition ‘Fitness to teach check’?’ form.

But we ruled it out because:

  • the options are inconsistent with the language we use everywhere else (‘Pending’, ‘Met’ and ‘Not met’)
  • the heading doesn’t match the link that the user clicks to get here (‘Update status’)
  • the heading can be very long and hard to read because of the length of the condition text

Further research

Further research is needed to see if providers need to update multiple conditions at the same time.


Application details

Screenshot of application details

Update status

Update status

Confirm met

Screenshot of confirm met

Confirm not met

Screenshot of confirm not met

Met success message

Screenshot of met success message

Confirm not met

Screenshot of confirm not met

Met failure message

Screenshot of met failure message
