Designer Pairs

Why coding speed is crucial.

Pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. While it’s primarily used in coding, it can also be adapted for collaboration between developers and interaction designers.

Live share extension in VS Code.

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Here’s how using pair programming can increase output, collaboration, and cohesion within large design teams:

  • Increased productivity: Pair programming allows designers to share knowledge and expertise, leading to faster problem-solving and more efficient code development. By working together, designers can catch errors and provide immediate feedback, reducing the time spent on debugging and rework.

  • Improved code quality: With two minds actively engaged in the design process, the chances of identifying potential issues and ensuring code quality are significantly higher. Designers can review each other’s work in real-time, leading to better decision-making and higher-quality output.

  • Knowledge sharing and skill development: Pair programming facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills within the team. Experienced designers can mentor less experienced ones, enabling them to learn new techniques, best practices, and design principles. This helps create a more cohesive and skilled design team.

  • Enhanced collaboration and communication: By working closely together, pair programming encourages constant communication and collaboration. Designers can discuss ideas, make joint design decisions, and share their perspectives, leading to more innovative and refined solutions.

  • Reduced knowledge silos and improved team cohesion: Pair programming helps break down knowledge silos within a team. When designers work in pairs, they have a better understanding of each other’s work, allowing for seamless collaboration even when team members are absent. This promotes a sense of cohesion and shared responsibility.

In summary

Pair programming in the HMRC proved and amazing tool, designers eventually sought others to collaborate, work through problem in the thing that mattered most to them individually. Down to the nitty, gritty parts of their day job.
