Github, a case against

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A case against

Would you keep all your stuff forever?

No, you wouldn’t. There wouldn’t be enough space in your house, probably even your street to store it. So why do you keep all your code? Once a project has finished and all your prototypes have moved to a live service, just delete them.

I do.

And, I have to admit, it is only very recently that I have started doing this. Recently in Sweden, a server farm required the same amount of electricity that a small town needs just to store code! When people have to suffer heavy increases in utility bills, are we so shallow as to keep our code; which by the way is not actively used? For what? A badge on our account, some dots on the contribution section.

Wow! you have ‘X’ contributions last year, does that make you a better designer, developer. Is this another social status badge, forced by who?

Moreover, since github was purchased by Microsoft, all sorts of terrible things chimed. Co-Pilot, what the hell. Everytime you make a commit, co-pilot copies, Histories and analyses your code. Combine that with VS-Code and your children do not stand a chance following your footsteps.

Hey, I might be wrong. Who knows…
